Friday, February 11, 2005

Third day of Chinese New Year

Back to work again early in the morning while most of the ppl are still slping..coz they still hving their holiday while some of us r back in the office...Got no voice to tok now...So sianz...Got hm at 1 plus yst then got up at 6 plus in the morning...OMG..

Hv a quick review of my Chinese New Year..

First day of NEw Yr

Got up early morning...go uncles' hs to go visiting...then back hm rest awhile to wait for ppl to cum to my hs...then meet up wif dear in the noon..go to his uncle place then back to my hs again for dinner..then dear cum along wif my family to my uncle hs...Stay awhile then went to andy's ah ma place and dear's uncle place(another uncle)..Got alot of hongbao from his relatives and my relatives...

Second Day of New Yr

Wake up early morning again...went to my 3rd uncle place(dad side)..then went to alot alot of place...abt 7 to 8 not kidding okie...coz my mum side relatives sall stay nearby so we manage to go alot of places...Den ah ma ask y dear nv go her hs..she already prepare hongbao for him le..then i say nvm lah...hoho!!At noon time..went to dear place a hongbao each from his dad and mum...then dear's uncle cum and play mj till 7 plus..After tt, we went Tampines Mall watch movie..AVIATOR...3 hr movie..No comment for the show...B4 the movie, we hv pastamania..coz i hv a veri bad sore throat and almost no voice so cant take any fast foods....


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